While hot flushes are often a normal part of menopause, you should consult a healthcare provider if they become...
FAQ Category: Hot flushes
Showed 1 to 10 posts out of 10 total under "FAQ Category: Hot flushes" category. Non-hormonal therapies for managing hot flushes include lifestyle adjustments, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and certain medications like antidepressants. Acupuncture has also...
Yes, men can experience hot flushes, especially those undergoing treatments for prostate cancer that affect testosterone levels. These treatments...
Keeping a diary of your hot flushes, noting when they occur, their intensity, duration, and any potential triggers, can...
Hot flushes themselves don’t typically have long-term health implications, but they can significantly affect quality of life and sleep...
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the most effective treatment for severe hot flushes associated with menopause. Other medications, such...
Some individuals find relief with dietary supplements such as black cohosh, vitamin E, and soy products, which are thought...
Yes, lifestyle changes can significantly impact the frequency and severity of hot flushes. Avoiding triggers like hot drinks, caffeine,...
The duration of hot flushes can vary widely from a few seconds to several minutes. Some individuals may experience...
Hot flushes are sudden feelings of warmth or intense heat that spread over the body, often accompanied by sweating,...